# $Id: hr.i18n 2603 2008-08-18 21:01:17Z kuhlmann $ (Croatian) # EN: __.i18n 2601 2008-08-18 20:38:14 <-- NEVER TOUCH THIS - it's updated automatically #_#1000:UTF-8 #_#1001: #_#1002: #_#1003:0 #_#1004: #_#1005: #_#1006: #_#1008:US-ASCII #-#1010:User is Away [Auto-Message] #_#1010:User is away [Auto-Message] 1011:User is not available [Auto-Message] #-#1012:User is Occupied [Auto-Message] #_#1012:User is occupied [Auto-Message] 1014:None 1015:Jan 1016:Feb 1017:Mar 1018:Apr 1019:May 1020:Jun 1021:Jul 1022:Aug #-#1023:Sept #_#1023:Sep 1024:Oct 1025:Nov 1026:Dec 1027:DA 1028:NE #-#1029:Molim Vas unesite " YES_STR " or " NO_STR "\n #_#1029:Please enter YES or NO! #-#1030: logged off. #-#1033: - Instant " SERVCOL "Mass" NOCOL " Message #-#1038:Poruka je opozvana\n #+#1038:Message canceled\n #_#1038:Message canceled.\n 1043.Svi korisnici pronadjeni. 1044.Pronadjeno je puno korisnika. 1045.Pretrazivanje je zavr$eno. 1046.Duzina 1047.Ekstra podaci #-#1048:SEQ #_#1048:Error code: %ld\n 1050.Prijavljivanje je uspje$no! 1053:Connected to %s, waiting for response\n 1055:Socket creation failed #-#1056:Socket created attempting to connect\n #+#1056:Socket created attempting to connect\n #-#1060:Nivo detaljnosti ispisa je %d.\n #+#1060:Verbosity level is %d.\n #_#1060:Verbosity level is %ld.\n #-#1061:%s nije prepoznato kao nadimak\n #_#1061:'%s' not recognized as a nick name.\n #-#1062:Users ignored: #-#1064:\nAuto-Changed status to #_#1056:Socket created, attempting to connect.\n #_#1062:Users ignored: #_#1064:Automatically changed status to %s.\n #_#1078:No translation available. #_#1079:Translation (%s, %s) from %s, last modified on %s by %s, for climm %d.%d.%d%s.\n #_#1085:on #_#1086:off #_#1089:Unloaded translation. #_#1094:SOCKS5 server: #_#1095:SOCKS5 port: #_#1096:SOCKS5 user name: #_#1097:SOCKS5 password: #_#1098:Display a list of nicknames that you can tab through. 1101:Arabic 1102:Bhojpuri 1103:Bulgarian 1104:Burmese 1105:Cantonese 1106:Catalan 1107:Chinese 1108:Croatian 1109:Czech 1110:Danish 1111:Dutch 1112:English 1113:Esperanto 1114:Estonian 1115:Farsi 1116:Finnish 1117:French 1118:Gaelic 1119:German 1120:Greek 1121:Hebrew 1122:Hindi 1123:Hungarian 1124:Icelandic 1125:Indonesian 1126:Italian 1127:Japanese 1128:Khmer 1129:Korean 1130:Lao 1131:Latvian 1132:Lithuanian 1133:Malay 1134:Norwegian 1135:Polish 1136:Portuguese 1137:Romanian 1138:Russian 1139:Serbo-Croatian 1140:Slovak 1141:Slovenian 1142:Somali 1143:Spanish 1144:Swahili 1145:Swedish 1146:Tagalog 1147:Tartar 1148:Thai 1149:Turkish 1150:Ukrainian 1151:Urdu 1152:Vietnamese 1153:Yiddish 1154:Yoruba 1155:Afrikaans 1156:Bosnian 1157:Persian 1158:Albanian 1159:Armenian #_#1161:Academic #_#1162:Administrative #_#1163:Art/Entertainment #_#1164:College Student #_#1165:Computers #_#1166:Community & Social #_#1167:Education #_#1168:Engineering #_#1169:Financial Services #_#1170:Government #_#1171:High School Student #_#1172:Home #_#1173:ICQ - Providing Help #_#1174:Law #_#1175:Managerial #_#1176:Manufacturing #_#1177:Medical/Health #_#1178:Military #_#1179:Non-government Organization #_#1180:Professional #_#1181:Retail #_#1182:Retired #_#1183:Science & Research #_#1184:Sports #_#1185:Technical #_#1186:University Student #_#1187:Web Building #_#1188:Unrecognized command '%s' in configuration file, ignored. #_#1198:Other Services #-#1200:Nije unijeto #+#1200:Not entered #_#1200:not entered 1201:Afganistan 1202:Albanija 1203:Alzir 1204:Americka Samoa 1205:Andora 1206:Angola 1207:Angvila 1208:Antigua 1209:Argentina 1210:Jermenija 1211:Aruba 1212:Otoci Ascention 1213:Australija 1214:Australski Antarticki Teritorij 1215:Austrija 1216:Azerbejdzan 1217:Bahami 1218:Bahrein 1219:Banglade$ 1220:Barbados 1221:Bjelorusija 1222:Belgija 1223:Belize 1224:Benin 1225:Bermude 1226:Butan 1227:Bolivija 1228:Bosna i Hercegovina 1229:Bocvana 1230:Brazil 1231:Britanski Djevicanski Otoci 1232:Brunej 1233:Bugarska 1234:Burkina Faso 1235:Burundi 1236:Cambodza 1237:Camerun 1238:Kanada 1239:Otoci Cape Verde 1240:Kajmanski Otoci 1241:Centralna Africka Republika 1242:Chad 1243:Uskr$nji Otoci 1244:Otoci Cocos-Keeling 1245:Komoroni 1246:Kongo 1247:Cookovi otoci 1248:Chile 1249:Kina 1250:Kolumbija 1251:Kostarika 1252:Hrvatska 1253:Kuba 1254:Kipar 1255:Ce$ka Republika 1256:Danska 1257:Diego Garcia 1258:Dzibuti 1259:Dominica 1260:Dominikanska Republika 1261:Ekvador 1262:Egipat 1263:El Salvador 1264:Ekvatorska Gvineja 1265:Eritrea 1266:Estonija 1267:Etiopija 1268:Biv$a Jugoslavija 1269:Faeroe Islands 1270:Foklandska Ostrva 1271:Federalne Drzave Mikronezije 1272:Fidzi 1273:Finska 1274:Francuska 1275:Francuski Antili 1276:Francuski Antili 1277:Francuska Gvajana 1278:Francuska Polinezija 1279:Gabon 1280:Gambija 1281:Gruzija 1282:Njemacka 1283:Gana 1284:Gibraltar 1285:Grcka 1286:Grenland 1287:Grenada 1288:Gvadalupe 1289:Guam 1290:Guantanomo Bay 1291:Gvatemala 1292:Gvineja 1293:Gvineja-Bisao 1294:Gvajana 1295:Haiti 1296:Honduras 1297:Hong Kong 1298:Madjarska 1299:Island 1300:Indija 1301:Indonezija 1302:INMARSAT 1303:INMARSAT Atlantic-East 1304:Iran 1305:Irak 1306:Irska 1307:Izrael 1308:Italija 1309:Obala Slonovace 1310:Japan 1311:Jordan 1312:Kazakhstan 1313:Kenija 1314:Juzna Koreja 1315:Kuvajt 1316:Liberija 1317:Libija 1318:Lihten$tajn 1319:Luksemburg 1320:Malavi 1321:Malezija 1322:Mali 1323:Malta 1324:Meksico 1325:Monako 1326:Maroko 1327:Namibija 1328:Nepal 1329:Nizozemskaa 1330:Nizozemska Antili 1331:Nova Kaledonija 1332:Novi Zeland 1333:Nikaragva 1334:Nigerija 1335:Norve$ka 1336:Oman 1337:Pakistan 1338:Panama 1339:Papua Nova Gvineja 1340:Paragvaj 1341:Peru 1342:Filipini 1343:Poljska 1344:Portugal 1345:Puerto Rico 1346:Kvatar 1347:Rumunija 1348:Rusija 1349:Saipan 1350:San Marino 1351:Saudijska Arabija 1352:Senegal 1353:Singapur 1354:Slovachka 1355:Juznoafricka Republika 1356:$panjolska 1357:$ri Lanka 1358:Surinam 1359:$vedska 1360:$vicarksa 1361:Tajvan 1362:Tanzanija 1363:Tajland 1364:Tinian Island 1365:Togo 1366:Tokelau 1367:Tonga 1368:Trinadad and Tabago 1369:Tunis 1370:Turska 1371:Turkmenistan 1372:Turks and Caicos Islands 1373:Tuvalu 1374:Uganda 1375:Ukrajina 1376:Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati 1377:Engleska 1378:United States Virgin Islands 1379:SAD 1380:Urugvaj 1381:Uzbekistan 1382:Vanuatu 1383:Vatikan 1384:Venecuela 1385:Vijetnam 1386:Wallis and Futuna Islands 1387:Western Samoa 1388:Jemen 1389:Jugoslavija 1390:Zair 1391:Zambia 1392:Zimbabve #_#1393:successful #_#1394:unsuccessful #-#1400: Shows locally stored info on user\n #_#1400:Shows locally stored info on or , or on yourself. #-#1401: Updates other user info like age and sex\n #_#1401:Updates more user info like age and sex. #-#1402: Updates your about user info.\n #_#1402:Updates your about user info. #-#1403: Displays the last message received from .\n They must be in your Contact List.\n #_#1403:Displays the last message received from or from everyone. #-#1404: Toggles ignoring/unignoring nick\n #_#1404:Toggles ignoring/unignoring the . #-#1405: Lists ignored nicks/uins\n #_#1405:Lists ignored nicks/uins. #-#1406: Toggles your visibility to a user when you're invisible.\n #_#1406:Toggles your visibility to when you're invisible. #-#1407: Displays the current status of online people on your contact list\n #_#1407:Displays the current status of online people on your contact list. #-#1408: Mijenja Va$u $ifru u tajnu.\n #_#1408:Changes your password to . #-#1409: $alje poruku UIN-u\n #_#1409:Sends a message to . #-#1410: $alje URL i poruku UIN-u\n #-#1412: $alje poruku posljednjoj osobi kojoj ste poslali poruku\n #-#1414: Odgovara osobi koja vam se posljednja obratila\n #_#1414:Replies to the last person to send you a message. #-#1415: Pronalazi slucajnog korisnika u navedenoj grupi ili izlista grupu.\n #_#1415:Finds a random user in interest group or lists the groups. #-#1416: Ispisuje trenutni status svih na Va$oj kontakt listi\n #-#1418: Postavlja nivo preglednosti ( podrazumijevano = 0 ).\n #_#1418:Set the verbosity level, or display verbosity level. #-#1419: Bri$e ekran.\n #_#1419:Clears the screen. #-#1420: Ukljucuje/Iskljucuje zvucni signal priliko primanja nove poruke.\n #-#1422: Odlogiravanje i izlaz iz programa.\n #-#1424: Ukljucuje/Iskljucuje slanje poruka kada je va$ status DND, NA, itd.\n #_#1424:Set whether autoreplying when not online, or displays setting. #-#1425: Postavlja poruku koju ce poslati kao automatski odgovor na trenutni status\n #_#1425:Sets the message to send as an auto reply for the status. #-#1426: Kreira novi UIN (Univerzalni Identifikacijski Broj) sa navedenom $ifrom.\n #_#1426:Creates a new UIN with the specified password. #-#1427: Mijenja Va$ status u status broj.\n Bez navedenog broja ispisuje dozvoljene modove.\n #_#1427:Changes your status to the status number, or list the available modes. #-#1428: Dodaje UIN broj va$oj kontakt listi uz unos nadimka.\n #_#1428:Adds all contacts in to contact group . #-#1429: Pronalazi ICQ korisnika sa navedenom e-mail adresom.\n #_#1429:Searches for an ICQ user. #-#1430: Ispisuje osnovne informacije za navedeni UIN\n #_#1430:Displays general info on or . #-#1431: Oznacava kao Online (Na vezi).\n #_#1431:Set status to "online". #-#1432: Oznacava kao Away (Odsutan).\n #_#1432:Set status to "away". #-#1433: Oznacava kao Not Available (Nije dostupan).\n #_#1433:Set status to "not available". #-#1434: Oznacava kao Occupied (Zauzet).\n #_#1434:Set status to "occupied". #-#1435: Oznacava kao Do not Disturb (Ne uznemiravaj).\n #_#1435:Set status to "do not disturb". #-#1436: Oznacava kao Free for Chat (Raspolozen za cavrljanje).\n #_#1436:Set status to "free for chat". #-#1437: Oznacava kao Invisible (Nevidljiv).\n #_#1437:Set status to "invisible". #-#1438: Korigira Va$e osnovne informacije (e-mail, nadimak, itd.)\n #_#1438:Updates your basic info (email, nickname, etc.). #-#1439: Postavlja Va$u slucajnu korisnicku grupu.\n #_#1410:Sends a url and message to . #_#1412:Sends a message to the last person you sent a message to. #_#1416:Displays the current status of everyone on your contact list. #_#1420:Switches beeping when receiving new messages on or off, or using the event script. #_#1422:Logs off and quits. #_#1439:Sets your random user group. 1442:Molim Vas izaberite jedno od podrucja za pomoc ispod. #-#1443:Komande vezane za climm prikaz i konfiguriranje. #_#1443:Commands relating to climm displays and configuration. #-#1444:Komande vezane za pronalazenje korisnika. #_#1444:Commands relating to seeing and finding other users. 1445:Komande vezane za Va$ ICQ nalog. 1446:Komande vezane za slanje poruka. 1447:Klijent 1448:Poruka 1449:Korisnik 1450:Nalog #_#1453:TCP version: #_#1455:Art #_#1456:Cars #_#1457:Celebrity Fans #_#1458:Collections #_#1459:Computers #_#1460:Culture & Literature #_#1461:Fitness #_#1462:Games #_#1463:Hobbies #_#1465:Internet #_#1466:Lifestyle #_#1467:Movies/TV #_#1468:Music #_#1469:Outdoor Activities #_#1470:Parenting #_#1471:Pets/Animals #_#1472:Religion #_#1473:Science/Technology #_#1474:Skills #_#1475:Sports #_#1476:Web Design #_#1477:Nature and Environment #_#1478:News & Media #_#1479:Government #_#1480:Business & Economy #_#1481:Mystics #_#1482:Travel #_#1483:Astronomy #_#1484:Space #_#1485:Clothing #_#1486:Parties #_#1487:Women #_#1488:Social science #_#1489:60's #_#1490:70's #_#1491:80's #_#1492:50's #_#1493:Peer-to-Peer #_#1494:Server Only #_#1497:failed #-#1500:Nickname : #_#1499:Other #_#1500:Nickname: #-#1501:Name : #-#1505:Location : #_#1505:Location: #-#1506:Phone : #_#1506:Phone: #-#1507:Fax : #_#1507:Fax: #-#1508:Street : #_#1508:Street: #-#1509:Cellular : #_#1509:Cellular: #-#1510:Zip : #_#1510:Zip: #-#1511:Country : #_#1511:Country: #-#1512:Country Code : #_#1512:Country code: #-#1513:Work Country Code : #_#1513:Work Country Code: #-#1514:Work Country : #_#1514:Work Country: #-#1515:Work Homepage: #_#1515:Work Homepage: #-#1516:Occupation : #_#1516:Occupation: #-#1517:Job Position : #_#1517:Job Position: #-#1518:Department : #_#1518:Department: #-#1519:Company Name : #_#1519:Company Name: #-#1520:Work Zip : #_#1520:Work Zip: #-#1521:Work Fax : #_#1521:Work Fax: #-#1522:Work Address : #_#1522:Work Address: #-#1523:Work Phone : #_#1523:Work Phone: #-#1524:Work Location: #_#1524:Work Location: #-#1525:About : #-#1528:Sex : Female #_#1528:female #-#1529:Sex : Male #_#1529:male #-#1530:Sex : Not Specified #_#1530:not specified #-#1531:Homepage : #_#1531:Homepage: #-#1532:Born : #_#1532:Born: #-#1533:Languages : #_#1533:Languages: #-#1534:Enter a language by number or L for a list: #_#1534:Enter a language by number or L for a list: #-#1535:Enter new age: #_#1535:Enter new age: #-#1536:Enter new sex: #_#1536:Enter new sex: #-#1537:Enter new homepage: #_#1537:Enter new homepage: #-#1538:Enter new year of birth (4 digits): #_#1538:Enter new year of birth (4 digits): #-#1539:Enter new month of birth: #_#1539:Enter new month of birth: #-#1540:Enter new day of birth: #-#1544:Enter new city: #_#1544:Enter new city: #-#1545:Enter new state: #_#1545:Enter new state: #-#1546:Enter new phone number: #_#1546:Enter new phone number: #-#1547:Enter new fax number: #_#1547:Enter new fax number: #-#1548:Enter new street address: #_#1548:Enter new street address: #-#1549:Enter new cellular number: #_#1549:Enter new cellular number: #-#1550:Enter new zip code (must be numeric): #_#1550:Enter new zip code (must be numeric): #-#1551:Enter your country's phone ID number: #_#1551:Enter your country's phone ID number: #-#1552:Enter your time zone (+/- 0-12): #_#1552:Enter your time zone (+/- 0-12): #-#1553:Unesite Va$ nadimak : #_#1553:Enter Your New Nickname: #-#1554:Unesite Va$e ime : #_#1554:Enter your new first name: #-#1555:Unesite Va$e prezime : #_#1555:Enter your new last name: #-#1556:Unesite va$ novi e-mail : #_#1556:Enter your new email address: #-#1557:Da li zelite da korisnici trebaju zahtijevati od vas autorizaciju ? : #_#1501:Name: #_#1525:About: #_#1540:Enter new day of birth: #_#1557:Do you want to require Mirabilis users to request your authorization? (YES/NO) #_#1564:First name: #_#1565:Last name: #_#1566:Email address: #_#1570:City: #_#1574:State: #_#1575:Age: #_#1578:Enter country's phone ID number: #_#1579:Enter company: #_#1587:Enter department: #_#1595:\nContact List.\n============================================\n%d Contacts\n #_#1596:[SOCKS] Can't find hostname %s: %s. #_#1597:[SOCKS] Socket creation failed\n #_#1598:[SOCKS] Connection request refused #_#1599:[SOCKS] Authentication method incorrect #_#1600:[SOCKS] Authorization failure #_#1601:[SOCKS] General SOCKS server failure #_#1602:Enter a state: #_#1603:Enter position: #_#1604:Should the users be online? #_#1605:Do you want your status to be available on the web? (YES/NO) #_#1612:This program was made without any help from Mirabilis or their consent.\n #_#1613:No reverse engineering or decompilation of any Mirabilis code took place to make this program.\n #_#1619:Warning: #_#1621:users not returned. #_#1622:Do you want to apply these changes? (YES/NO) #_#1634:ok.\n #_#1637:Can't bind socket to free port\n #_#1638:Couldn't create socket #_#1642:IP: #_#1653:Offline #_#1654:Online #_#1655:Enter the user's e-mail address: #_#1656:Enter the user's nick name: #_#1657:Enter the user's first name: #_#1658:Enter the user's last name: #_#1659:Unknown section '%s' in configuration file. #_#1660:Invalid Command: %s\n #_#1661:Shell commands have been disabled.\n #_#1666:Unignored %s.\n #_#1667:Ignoring %s.\n #_#1670:Normal visible to %s now.\n #_#1671:Always visible to %s now.\n #_#1675:Ignored line: #_#1678:No URL given.\n #_#1679:Sorry saving your personal reply messages went wrong!\n #_#1680:Your personal settings have been saved!\n #_#1682:You have received messages from:\n #_#1687:climm has been running for #_#1688:days #_#1689:hours #_#1690:minutes #_#1691:seconds #_#1696:Sex: #_#1703:Status modes:\n #_#1704:Groups:\n #_#1705:General #_#1706:Romance #_#1707:Games #_#1708:Students #_#1709:20 something #_#1710:30 something #_#1711:40 something #_#1712:50+ #_#1713:Seeking women #_#1714:Seeking men #_#1715:climm #_#1716:None #_#1717:Execute shell command (e.g. '!ls', '!dir', '!mkdir temp'). #_#1719:Shows how long climm has been running and some statistics. #_#1721:Sending a blank message will put the client into multiline mode.\nUse . on a line by itself to end message.\nUse # on a line by itself to cancel the message. #_#1743:Size mismatch in packet lengths.\n #_#1745:unknown #_#1746: nr type sent/received packets/unique packets\n #_#1747:total #_#1754:Note: You need to 'save' to write new contact list to disc.\n #_#1755:has added you to their contact list.\n #_#1766:Changing status to away/not available after idling %s%ld%s seconds.\n #_#1767:Toggles auto cycling to away/not available. #_#1770:Resend your last message to . #_#1771:You haven't sent a message to anyone yet!\n #_#1784:If you are firewalled, you may need to use a SOCKS5 server. If you do, please enter its hostname or IP address. Otherwise, or if unsure, just press return.\n #_#1785:success.\n #_#1786:I also need the port the socks server listens on. If unsure, press return for the default port.\n #_#1787:You probably need to authenticate yourself to the socks server. If so, you need to enter the user name the administrator of the socks server gave you. Otherwise, just press return.\n #_#1788:Now I also need the password for this user.\n #_#1789:Received malformed packet: (%d) #_#1790:Setup wizard finished. Congratulations to your new UIN!\n #_#1791:Setup wizard finished. Congratulations!\n #_#1792:I'm sorry, AOL doesn't want to give us a new UIN, probably because of too many new UIN requests from this IP. Please try again later.\n #_#1795:Password: #_#1797:Finance and corporate #_#1798:Elementary School #_#1799:High School #_#1800:Change the working language (and encoding) to or display string . #_#1801:Displays a list of people on your contact list in a screen wide format. #_#1807:Cancelled incoming message (seq %04x) from %s\n #_#1808:College #_#1810:University #_#1812:Past Work Place #_#1813:Past Organization #_#1814:Sent auto-response message to %s%s%s.\n #_#1815: funny: use funny messages for output.\n #_#1817:The event scripting feature is disabled.\n #_#1818:Warning: Deprecated syntax found in configuration file '%s'!\n Please update or "save" the configuration file and check for changes.\n #_#1820:%s